"We have been using Piedmontese full blood bulls for the last 3 years over our cow herd which consists of crossbred cows ranging from Santa x Hereford/Angus cross bos indicus x.

Since using Piedmontese bulls we have
had the best results ever with no calving problems. The calves
explode once they hit the 4-6 week mark and continue to grow at amazing
rates with excellent body conformation. My neighbours are most
intrigued with my results. We have made more money using our
Piedmontese bulls than anything else we have used. All the store
cattle sold have gone to fatteners who are amazed at the result they get
and the weight gains achieved.
Interestingly the heifer calves have
been equal to the steers in performance and we have been paid accordingly
in the market. With heifer calves making the same as steers, which
helps my bottom line enormously.
The temperament and fertility of the
breed is one of their better attributes.
I would back a Piedmontese bull against
any other breed available.
Ron Calleja
Commercial Producer
Albury, NSW